Tuesday, January 10, 2012


There is a fine line between having balance and leading an extraordinary life. I tend to go in cycles. Work, Work, Work
Play, Play, Play
It is hard for me to balance work and play. I either work all the time or get home from work and play play play.

I think goal setting is the key....

Last year I went to a seminar sponsored by Franklin Covey. It was enlightening.
Five choices we make influence how productive and extraordinary we become. I learned that we need to decide on the key roles we play in life. With each role we then need to make goals to become extraordinary in each of the roles we play.

I keep meaning to work on my goals but alas, one of my weaknesses is procrastination.

So for the next few days, each time I post I will talk about one of my key roles and what extraordinary looks like in each of those roles. It will help me in the path toward making good manageable goals.

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