Sunday, May 10, 2009

I made it!

I decided to participate in commencement despite the fact that my family wasn't going to be coming. A few of my good friends were able to come and support me. The last pic is of me and Chrissy Freeman a girl in my ward who also got her Masters.
We wore our hoods into the ceremony due to the swine flu pandemic. We also didn't shake hands with UTSA's president for the same reason.
An interesting tidbit from the ceremony is a mariachi band played as we exited the building. Only in Texas. They were wearing orange and blue sombreros (UTSA's colors).
My friend asked me if I felt any smarter now that I have my Masters. Not any smarter than I was yesterday. I don't regret getting my Masters at all and am contemplating a PhD. I am admitted to another Masters program right now. The Masters in Instructional Technology program and will be taking one class this summer.