Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tooth Extraction

You gotta love the dentist.
This morning I had two wisdom teeth left. Now, just one after an interesting trip to the dentist.

I opted for the "calming gas" in spite of having to pay out of pocket for it. After my nightmare last night and the insurance waiver I had to sign I thought it would be a good idea.

After I was on the gas, my dentist asked me if I felt any different. I didn't so he kept turning it up. Finally it was on it's maximum strength. After a few minutes it kicked in fast. At the level of gas I was getting I started to feel numb everywhere and then seeing double. I almost felt I was going to pass out. Luckily I didn't and was able to have him turn it down in time.

All I can say is THANK GOODNESS for NUMBING SHOTS, I didn't feel a thing.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Today was my niece Sydney's birthday. She is 4. I love the excitement of children. Her face showed pure joy when she was opening her presents.

Oh to be a child again...

When I was young the rage was Strawberry Shortcake, My Little Pony, and Cabbage Patch Kids, I also loved The Care Bears. I used to draw carebears and write about them. Now the rage is Hello Kitty. But its interesting to see what has re-emerged as popular (smurfs, strawberry shortcake, GI Joes)

Should have saved my toys...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bucket List

If you FAIL to PLAN you PLAN to FAIL

Hence my bucket list....

Hot air balloon ride
Watch a rocket launch
Watch fireworks in DC on the 4th of JULY
Write a book
Take a photography class

Or at least the beginning of it

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Back to Reality

I feel very discombobulated today.

I had about 100 things to get done. Since there are not enough hours in the day to get 100 things done I had to focus on the essential. Sometimes I catch myself doing something time consuming that is nice to have done but is not really going to make a difference in others lives.

Stephen Covey has 4 quadrants he talks about in regards to time management.
He suggests focusing on the things that have a tremendous return compared to the time and energy put into them.

The TRICK is determining which things bring extraordinary productivity ( some time and energy = great return).

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Last Day of Vacation

What did I do on my last day of vacation?

Lunch at Hopper's- turkey avocado sandwich

Dinner at Heidi's- honey lime chicken enchiladas:)

Played with my beautiful nieces Sydney and Samara

Watched some episodes of Heroes

Prepared for school tomorrow

A pretty good way to end my winter vacation!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012!

I am excited about the opportunities a new year brings.
This year my sister Tia and I are going to try something new for each month.
It will require a lot of dedication and perseverance. I know I will be a better person because of it.

January's goal-- Write a blog entry every day!

My new interests-
1- Pinterest- can be addicting
2- TED- very inspiring
3- The series Heroes- makes me think about the true meaning of the word HERO.